Sometimes Being Set Apart Simply Means Making Room for God
In a world that is constantly demanding our attention, being set apart often starts with making room for God. It’s easy to fill our lives with obligations, distractions, and noise, leaving little space for the presence of God to dwell. Yet, if we want to walk in alignment with Him, we must be intentional about where we devote our time and energy.
The truth is, God is always ready, waiting for us to make ourselves available. While we’re busy with work, relationships, and personal goals, He’s patiently waiting for an invitation into our day-to-day lives. The problem isn’t that God is absent; the problem is often that we’re too present everywhere else but in His presence.
Even Jesus modeled this in His time on earth. Luke 5:16 says, “But Jesus often slipped away from them and went into the wilderness to pray.” If Jesus, who had the most crucial mission in history, made time to slip away and pray, how much more should we? Being set apart for God doesn’t always require drastic changes or monumental sacrifices. Sometimes it’s as simple as carving out time to sit in His presence, to pray, to listen, and to be still.
It’s when we stop being available for everything else that we create the room for God to move in ways we couldn’t have imagined. The question isn’t whether God is available to us—the question is whether we are available to Him.